by Kirk Kasicki | Apr 10, 2012 | Vision
You may have seen me doing some pretty strange things around St. Charles County over the past 100 days or so. You might have seen me stalking for sale signs. You may see me with a measuring tape marking off lengths. If you were driving behind me you might find it odd...
by Kirk Kasicki | Feb 12, 2012 | Guest Blog
When someone asks you to be a part of something and this thing will require effort, thought, time, maybe even work, what is it that drives us to say yes? Sometimes it’s the person asking. We feel an obligation to that person, or even become scared of the response from...
by Kirk Kasicki | Dec 23, 2011 | Uncategorized
There’s a billboard near my house that advertises a website to access the wait times at local emergency room. My daughter and I were driving by the sign and she asked how a waiting list at an ER would work. I explained to her the concept of triage, and how the order...