Saving and Changing Lives (Part 2)

Author: Mark Hollander “I remember the very first time that I heard about The Sparrow’s Nest.  I was asked to join a few people for breakfast at Denny’s in O’Fallon (it isn’t there anymore!) and I heard this “dream” about creating a place for young women who had no...

Mission vs Money: Guest Blog by Mark Hollander

Several years ago, I was asked to speak at a conference for a Child Daycare Association in St. Louis. When I was asked to speak, they told me to choose a topic that would help the owners understand the importance of helping them build a stronger business. I spent...

Will what we do really matter?

It’s really not a big deal to bring food to someone in need. It’s a nice gesture but one that’s not that memorable. It’s not that big a sacrifice for you run through your closet and find some things your family no longer needs or has out grown...

A Watched Pot Never Boils

I’m really not good at a lot of things. Cooking, telling time, giving driving directions, hanging pictures straight, and coloring to name a few. But I would put waiting at the top of that list. I need things to happen when I’m ready for them. Anticipation...

Do We Spend Our Days Loving?

Even though we are waiting on our approval in licensing The Sparrow’s Nest staff, both paid and volunteered are hardly sitting around twiddling our thumbs. The days are packed with planning events, thanking donors, getting volunteers in place, updating the...