by Kirk Kasicki | Jul 19, 2013 | Sharing
So, what’s new with The Sparrow’s Nest is one of those questions I’m never exactly sure how to answer. It depends on how much time you have to sit and listen to my brain dump. 🙂 This is my attempt to give you snapshot just from the past week or so to...
by Kirk Kasicki | Jun 10, 2013 | Sharing
John Tischer preached a beautiful word on love yesterday at Harvester Christian Church. I wish I could re-post the whole sermon here but I will suffice with two quotes that pierced my heart. If we regard a person with agape, it means that no matter what that person...
by Kirk Kasicki | Apr 14, 2013 | Sharing
Celebration of Life. That is the center of The Sparrow’s Nest DNA. We celebrate the life of Christ that enables us to live with grace and mercy and forgiveness. We celebrate the life that Christ holds for us eternally. We celebrate the unborn life and the life...
by Kirk Kasicki | Apr 8, 2013 | Guest Blog, Sharing
It’s easy to take life for granted; we live each day without thinking about the times where we could’ve died. Let’s face it; every time we drive a car or take a bite out of our sandwich, there’s a chance that things could go wrong. Great way to...
by Kirk Kasicki | Mar 29, 2013 | Sharing
If you haven’t heard our great news we signed a purchasing agreement yesterday with Faith Chapel to purchase an already existing house in O’Fallon to be the first Sparrow’s Nest! God’s timing and faithfulness have been so poignant through this...
by Kirk Kasicki | Mar 21, 2013 | Sharing
I am sixteen and pregnant, I am working with an adoption counselor but also looking to possibly keep my daughter. Since the sparrow’s nest is not open yet, when would you start accepting or looking at girls to stay there? This is an actual email I received...