Mother’s Day tends to be a sad occasion for me. As a 12 year old, losing my mother to cancer was devastating. Throughout the years people have insinuated that I should be over her death. But with each new season of life, with each success or failure, or just a day ending in “y” I miss my mother horribly. I miss her voice. I miss her cool hands gently rubbing my back.

But this year I feel that black cloud has lifted ever so slightly.

This is the year where teen mothers will finally walk through the doors at The Sparrow’s Nest. Motherhood will never be so important, more esteemed, more celebrated than this year. Is it too dramatic that we celebrate Mother’s Day every day once mothers walk through our doors?

This is the year where young women who doubted their ability to parent will be provided a holistic approach to parenting education through modeling and intentional instruction. This is the year where young women find not only an additional identity as a new mother but their most important identity in Christ. This is the year where tiny babies who may have been disregarded and discounted are regarded with the highest respect as one protected by God.

1 Timothy 1:5: “But the goal of our instruction is love

from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

We love to celebrate anything and everything at The Nest and with cake preferably. Mother’s Day will always be one of

those holidays we hold above the rest.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Pregnancy and childbirth make a woman an instant mother. But, all the days that follow thereafter with the love, caring, nurturing, cuddling, and worry is what makes her mom. -Unknown