My Internship Experience at Sparrow’s Nest
By: Sara Puellman

Hi, loyal blog post readers, you might have noticed that the social media posts have looked different in the past six months. Well, the person behind the curtain has been… me. Hello, my name is Sara Puellman, and I have been creating social media posts for Sparrow’s Nest since July. I am a Psychology undergrad at the University of Missouri of Kansas-City, but I grew up in the St. Charles area. Growing up, I knew about Sparrow’s Nest, and I have always admired the work they do for moms in need. That’s why I asked if Sparrow needed any help this past summer. I love helping people, and I had extra time to volunteer while I was home from college. In life, I have felt called to help women in need, so that is why I reached out to Sparrow. It has been a really cool experience to help a non-profit I respect on the digital side of things. Here is four things I learned while interning with Sparrow as the social media content creator.

How to Preform well as a Non-Profit Social Media Content Creator

1) Creativity with post design is key! (Brainstorm ideas and come up with some sort of theme.)
i) Canva is a great site for creating posts. It is an easy site to navigate and use. It is free
site but you can buy some features that they offer.
2) Communication with Non-profit administration to make sure you are presenting the company
i) Sparrow staff is always welcoming when it comes to any questions you might have
regarding their organization.
ii) Be sure to be knowledgeable about the non-profit you are working for.
3) Time manage is important. Hootsuite helps you upload and schedule posts in advance.
4) Basic knowledge of how social media platforms work. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.…

Thank you Sparrow’s Nest administration for allowing me to intern with your amazing non-profit. I am so grateful for this opportunity to help spread the mission statement of Sparrow digitally. It has been an honor to learn what it takes to run a business social media account. I have seen that it takes a lot of time and effort to do so. I loved creating creative post for you guys and helping to solidify your digital footprint online more.