By: Cindy Lawson, Board Member

James Agee (1909-1955) came of age in the 1930’s, a time of want and need in a previously prosperous country. While working as a journalist during the Great Depression, he lived among Alabama sharecroppers which resulted in his essay “Cotton Tenants”.

Despite his experience in an environment that might have invoked despair and hopelessness, he expressed hope for humanity in his famous quote, “In every child who is born, under no matter what circumstances, and of no matter what parents, the potentiality of the human race is born again.”    
Our mission at The Sparrow’s Nest so clearly reflects Mr. Agee’s hope for humanity, and it is why I volunteer my time, talent and treasure to this mission.  We are put on this earth by God to serve Him and to care for each other (Luke 10:27) in love and service.  Humanity is flawed and suffers, but is also saved by grace. This is to say that every new human conceived under God is a new reflection of His grace in the world. That child is a fresh opportunity for God to offer His love and mercy to the world, a new opportunity to bring more souls to eternal happiness in heaven.  In the birth of every newborn, every innocent child, God’s love is reborn in the world and offers new hope for our future. 
So pray for the little children born at the Nest and throughout the world, for they reflect the renewed hope for God’s grace in a broken world!!!