Go ahead. Say it. You know you want to.

Ha! Again I say Ha! I told you so!

It was finished at The Cross but it was just beginning at The Tomb.

The Sadducees, Caesar, the hate-filled crowds, the Roman guards had stated “Yes! Jesus’s life is over! We told you nothing good could come from Nazereth. To say he is anything more than a carpenter’s son is blasphemy. He was not meant for any greatness. His life was over before it began.”
But God showed them. He showed them in such a proposterous way to never underestimate His power and His plan. Three days after Jesus’ horrific death, THREE WHOLE DAYS, when all hope was lost, Jesus complete mind, soul, and redeemed body rose again to begin the greatest work ever.

We all need this message. We need that redeeming power. We need complete healing. We need the hope that better things are come when life seems over.
The young mamas that will soon fill the house of The Sparrow’s Nest desperately need this message. That God loved them so much that He sent His one and only son to die on The Cross for them. He knew their confusion, pain, and sin would need healing that would only come through believing in Him so they could have a eternal life in Him away from all the darkness and despair of this world.

These young mamas need to know that people had given up on Him and his child as well perhaps like people have given up on them and their baby. However, God is the author and perfecter of all Life. He is the designer of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chances.
Of all days, today is for The Least, The Lost, and The Lonely.

Share HOPE today! Share the love, grace, and mercy of a Risen Savior who has come for all of us who have fallen short of the mark. We are all sinners but we have a beautiful savior.
So go ahead, you can say it! Take that world! Take that Satan! You thought you had won!