The self help aisles at your local book store are loaded with ways to really find true happiness. Online sites spout the Top Ten Ways to Cultivate Joy. TV talk shows document the path to joy. And yet…

At The Sparrow’s Nest we strive to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness. Many people question our fortitude and strength when they look at what we don’t have. However, our attitude is one of awe of what we do have.

When you start from nothing it’s actually really easy to be grateful for a $5 donation, a tub of gently used maternity clothes, or a roll of stamps. We’re still brought to our knees when one of you say you want to be “One of The Flock.” We’re so thankful for your open hearts and open minds and the belief in the power of an invisible house. We will be thankful for the girls that will one day fill our house. We’re thankful for their trust, for their desire to be a great parent, and their love of their baby.

This week we’re thankful for the blood of Christ that makes our mission possible. God is the author of second, third, and fourth chances. He is the example we follow for extending grace,mercy, and love to The Least, The Lost, and The Lonely. It is His death, burial, and resurrection that gives our ministry Life.

This month, we are following a beautiful example set by author Ann Voskamp in her book One Thousand Gifts. Her basic premise is giving thanks for the life you already have, to find the life you’ve always wanted. We are following the example of Christ at the Last Supper, the tradition of the Passover Feast of Thanksgiving.Voskamp explains;

In the original language, “he gave thanks” reads “eucharisteo”. The root word of eucharisteo is “charis” meaning “grace.” Jesus took the bread and saw it as grace and gave thanks. It also holds its derivative, the Greek word “chara” meaning “joy.” Deep chara joy is found only at the table of eucharisteo- the table of thanksgiving.

This month we want to challenge you to help us build our own list of One Thousand Gifts The Sparrow’s Nest already possesses. If you follow us on twitter use the hashtag #eucharisteo. Everyday try to add something to this blog. Post to your own facebook page to cultivate this attitude of thanksgiving. Together let’s be thankful for what we have to find what we want.
And then watch and wait…