Something beautiful is all we can say

As we prepare to send another resident on to the next stage of her journey we frequently hear “oh no! What happened! Why is she leaving early?” It’s not a matter of her leaving early. On average most girls stay around 3 months at a maternity home. We just happen to...

Spring Fever

Around this time of year we talk of spring fever. It seems we are all looking forward to winter ending so we walk around slightly chilled in shorts and flip flops as we start to see the ground thaw. Spring flowers are starting to push through. Some of you might have...

Single Motherhood- Guest Blog by Rachel Thomas

I am the child of a single mother. I asked my mom to write about her experiences as a single mom and being pregnant with me. Here is her story: Having a baby as a single mother was one of the scariest times of my life but it turned out to be one of the biggest...

Go ahead! You can say it!

Go ahead. Say it. You know you want to. Ha! Again I say Ha! I told you so! It was finished at The Cross but it was just beginning at The Tomb. The Sadducees, Caesar, the hate-filled crowds, the Roman guards had stated “Yes! Jesus’s life is over! We told...

How would you answer this question?

 I am sixteen and pregnant, I am working with an adoption counselor but also looking to possibly keep my daughter. Since the sparrow’s nest is not open yet, when would you start accepting or looking at girls to stay there? This is an actual email I received...