I looked a Goliath in the eye

I am a hope filled person trying to create a house of hope but I had to look something in the eye today that shook me to the very core of every fear and nightmare I have. I joined the Alliance for Life conference participants on the sidewalk of Planned Parenthood to...

Single Motherhood- Guest Blog by Rachel Thomas

I am the child of a single mother. I asked my mom to write about her experiences as a single mom and being pregnant with me. Here is her story: Having a baby as a single mother was one of the scariest times of my life but it turned out to be one of the biggest...

I’m actually in need of more cake myself

I waited for what seemed forever for last Thursday and it was over and done with before I could blink an eye. If you didn’t feel the earth shake at 3 p.m. CST on July 25th, board chair Kevin Thompson and I signed the documents to secure 6730 Hickory Tree Lane as...


Somebody really doesn’t want The Sparrow’s Nest to take flight anytime soon. An adjacent homeowner to the future Sparrow’s Nest property  is refusing to give us the easement. This leaves us really no other option than to cut down the trees and add...