by Kirk Kasicki | Jun 15, 2014 | Sharing
OK, we admit that sounds a little creepy. We’re not waiting for you like stalking you from around the corner. More like we’ve heard you might be coming soon so we want to get things ready for you. We know things haven’t been that great for you lately...
by Kirk Kasicki | Jun 4, 2014 | Vision
It’s really not a big deal to bring food to someone in need. It’s a nice gesture but one that’s not that memorable. It’s not that big a sacrifice for you run through your closet and find some things your family no longer needs or has out grown...
by Kirk Kasicki | Mar 21, 2014 | Vision
It won’t always be like this. That’s a phrase I keep hearing myself say to the our staff. When they look at me with the deer in headlights look or the exhausted look of learning too much too fast. It’s a phrase I need to hear myself say as well. We...
by Kirk Kasicki | Feb 13, 2014 | I'm One Of The Flock!
In structuring the culture of The Sparrow’s Nest you start to discover a certain reoccurring vernacular. Ok, really I just hear myself saying the same things over and over again. “Volunteers are royalty at The Nest.” “Volunteers are the heartbeat of...
by Kirk Kasicki | Dec 23, 2013 | Sharing
I find myself frayed and raw once again. I kind of look like the crazy cat woman to be honest. You would turn and walk away if we met in a dark alley. I’m edgy, anxious, argumentative. I’m fighting some unseen enemy so my talons out, ready but I’m...