Lord, Help us walk Your servant way

Wherever Love may lead

And, bending low, forgetting self,

Each serve the other’s need. –Herman Stuempfle, Jr.

This past Maundy Thursday, something exciting happened here in St. Charles County.  Did you hear we signed the contract to obtain our first Nest?!  On this day, the whole Christian Church remembered when Christ instituted the Lord’s Supper and He gave us a new commandment –to love one another.  I marvel that God would have these two events, Maundy Thursday and the Nest, coincide on the same day.  What is He teaching and reminding us?  He is in charge, He makes this happen, this is His timeline?  Since Carissa Figgins, the Executive Director/visionary, introduced this idea and dream to me, God has put this on my heart to further God’s mission to save His babies and children through the work of The Sparrow’s Nest.  Each week, each month we see the work ahead and have been working under the hope that maybe next week or the next week or the next week and here it is.

The board is grateful to you, our churches, for your continued financial support, your volunteers you have provided, the time , the efforts so many have put in to making the Sparrow’s Nest a true reality.  God is moving many to save His dear children .  What a privilege to be a part of an amazing group of people who seek to serve.  I am humbled and thankful to God He has moved more people, more churches to join with us to open The Sparrow’s Nest.  There is still much to be done, many more years of service to young mothers and fathers, their children, our community.  Together we are “bending low, forgetting self” and “serve the need” and follow where God leads.  Thank you for heeding God’s call to serve the Least, the Lost, the Lonely, to promote life, to prevent death, to love.  Thank you for following His commandment to love one another.

Kate Thoelke

Board Member

Church Liaison

Image provided by http://www.unityworldwideministries.org/