by Kirk Kasicki | Jul 17, 2014 | Sharing
Kirk Walden is our Gala speaker this year on November 1. He recently wrote this powerful article. I think you can see why places like The Sparrow’s Nest are very much included in Christ centered pregnancy help ministries. I would love to know what your thoughts...
by Kirk Kasicki | Jun 15, 2014 | Sharing
OK, we admit that sounds a little creepy. We’re not waiting for you like stalking you from around the corner. More like we’ve heard you might be coming soon so we want to get things ready for you. We know things haven’t been that great for you lately...
by Kirk Kasicki | May 11, 2014 | Sharing
Mother’s Day tends to be a sad occasion for me. As a 12 year old, losing my mother to cancer was devastating. Throughout the years people have insinuated that I should be over her death. But with each new season of life, with each success or failure, or just a...
by Kirk Kasicki | Apr 11, 2014 | Sharing
Some boys I went to college with took their mother’s cooking advice a little too literally. To check if their spaghetti noodles were cooked thoroughly these boys would throw them up on the wall. If they stuck, the noodles were ready to eat. If the noodles fell then...
by Kirk Kasicki | Mar 19, 2014 | Sharing
Integrity is one of the five core values embedded in the DNA of The Sparrow’s Nest. Demonstrating integrity means the choices we make serve no personal gain for us. Our actions and decisions are not based on fortune or fame but doing the right thing no matter...
by Kirk Kasicki | Jan 27, 2014 | Sharing
A letter to the One Who Has The Most To Lose: Hey there, I see your involvement on Student Council. I see you made the Volleyball team. I see you keeping your grades up to get into a good college. I heard you lead a bible study in your youth group. I see you have a...