Part of His Plan

God often promises something to His children and then makes them wait years for the fulfillment. Noah was told to build an ark to save his family and preserve creation because God was going to cleanse the earth of evil. Noah had work to do while He waited for the...

Knock, Knock

  My three year old daughter has been soaking up the Nativity story. For weeks at school they went over the parts of the story, and at home we talk about that silent and holy night as we play with our Veggie Tales nativity set that was gifted to us. One of my...

We aren’t Waiting Alone

Waiting is part of ANY ministry, not just ours. Consider adoption: A couple waits years trying unsuccessfully to conceive a child. They wait through various failed fertility treatments. They wait while saving up money to adopt, wait while they apply to adopt, wait on...

We’re finally here!

Before Ben and I got married, we felt God prodding us to go beyond  just telling women not to have abortions, and actually helping those who face crisis pregnancies. We started looking for opportunities to get involved in what we assumed would be an active ministry...