Go ahead! You can say it!

Go ahead. Say it. You know you want to. Ha! Again I say Ha! I told you so! It was finished at The Cross but it was just beginning at The Tomb. The Sadducees, Caesar, the hate-filled crowds, the Roman guards had stated “Yes! Jesus’s life is over! We told...

So what’s the hold up? Let’s Rock n Roll!

If you haven’t heard our great news we signed a purchasing agreement yesterday with Faith Chapel to purchase an already existing house in O’Fallon to be the first Sparrow’s Nest! God’s timing and faithfulness have been so poignant through this...

If you’re just tuning in

Favorite all time reoccuring question: You still working on that Robin, birdhouse…*sputters Sparrow Thing? You betcha! Here’s just a few reminders for you of what our goals and objectives are: 1. Our Mission: The mission of THE SPARROW’S NEST is to provide...

How would you answer this question?

 I am sixteen and pregnant, I am working with an adoption counselor but also looking to possibly keep my daughter. Since the sparrow’s nest is not open yet, when would you start accepting or looking at girls to stay there? This is an actual email I received...