Title: Can you hear me now? (Written July 28)

In case you missed it—- we got our license! 

It has been a busy three weeks celebrating the news and getting the word out to so many who have stood by our side waiting for that glorious announcement.  

For as amazing as this announcement has been I sometimes feel like I am still wandering in the wilderness looking and waiting for a girl so that I might finally “arrive” into the promised land. We continue to build as a team and train our new TLC volunteers but nothing is quite satisfying the heart. Every lead comes with a flutter that finally the house will be occupied and with every dead end comes the aching that the wilderness  is still out there and drawing us back out. 

It’s been this cycle the last few weeks…and now I get how the Israelites wandered in circles for 40 years. And for the record- I really hope God doesn’t plan on having us wait 40 years wandering before we have a full Nest because i definitely don’t think I’m strong enough for that . but I digress-

I’d love to write today and tell you that a girl is due to move in tomorrow but that isn’t the case today. That’s hard to write out let alone share because so many of you are supporting Us and “walking with us in the wilderness ” on this trek towards obedience to the call.But what I can write and tell you is that I am learning that Grace grows in desert. Remember I said that believed nothing could grow or live in the barren wilderness…I was wrong.
Grace grows in the desert. In fact, in the Bible, the actual translation of the word wilderness means “to listen”. So maybe while in this wilderness of waiting for girls to arrive God is asking us to listen, to soften our hearts and tune our ears…so that we may grow in His Grace. Maybe another day waiting in the wilderness means one more day to pray for a deeper compassion for these girls. Likewise, maybe another day will mean more time learning what it takes to love yet discipline and guide teenage girls. I think of it this way and suddenly I find that the wilderness isn’t so bad when Grace is involved. So I’ll change my heart and turn it toward the grace I am finding In this desert.You’ve been walking with us on this journey…Grace is growing…and He is asking you to listen. What do you hear? 

-Amanda Shaheen

The Sparrow’s Nest House Mom