Pick a page, any page!
You want a piece of this??
Do us a favor and run through any or all of the website pages and give us your opinion. Pick us a part. We can take it! Is it easy to give online? Is the content useful? What would you like to see? What makes you cringe?
The website is for YOU so we want to make sure it’s very user friendly and clear. We are all part of a great community and we want to make sure we’re growing, correcting, and having nothing holding us back from obtaining the vision of opening The Sparrow’s Nest.
From June 6 to June 13, for every comment you leave here, on the blog, or on twitter you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a FREE copy of Tim Tebow’s “Through My Eyes” or Beth Moore’s “So Long Insecurity.”
So go ahead, mess with us!
Thanks guys!